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May 21, 2016

Things You Need To Know Before You Get a Root Canal Treatment

You may have heard the term RCT, or Root Canal Treatment, and wondered what it meant. This article by Smile Symphony, an affordable dentist in Lithia Springs, will provide you with basic information about this common dental procedure. If you ever have to undergo a Root Canal Treatment (RCT), the paragraphs below will help you understand the procedure, while also answering the most common questions people ask about it.

What is a Root Canal Treatment?

While your tooth surface is covered by the hard enamel and the (less hard) dentin, the inside of the tooth is like a small tube or canal running down to the root. This canal (called the "root canal") is filled with soft tissue, mostly pulp and nerve. In a fully-grown tooth this material is redundant. If this region gets infected and inflamed, you can feel unbearable pain. To relieve this situation permanently, the canal is drilled into, cleaned, dried, filled with inert material, and closed at the top. Hopefully, that tooth will never ache again and is saved from extraction. That is a RCT or root canal treatment.

Is a Root Canal Treatment a common procedure?

Millions of people undergo a RCT every year in USA alone. According to an estimate by the American Association of Endodontics, in 2010, 15 million teeth were by a root canal procedure. So you can see that it is a very common procedure in dentistry. Almost every dentist who has had thorough training in Endodontics will be able to do it. Of course experience matters, and our dentists at Smile Symphony have lot of experience in successfully performing Root Canal Treatments.

When might I need a Root Canal Treatment?

A Root Canal Treatment is done to relieve the inflammation and infection in the nerve or pulp of the tooth. You cannot tell yourself whether you will need a simple cavity treatment (like a filling) or a Root Canal Treatment to relieve your pain. Your dentist at Smile Symphony will be able to diagnose your issues and take the necessary action.

What happens if I don't get a Root Canal Treatment?

If a Root canal Treatment is required but not performed, over time it can lead to severe pain, an abscess and ultimately an extraction. There are a couple of cases on record where neglect led to death due to an abscess getting out of control.

What is the success rate of Root Canal Treatments?

Data collected in various studies indicates that about 95-98% of RCT procedures end up successfully. Of course, the success rate varies from dentist to dentist. At Smile Symphony, you will be treated by a highly qualified and experienced dentist.

Why do root canals fail?

Failures are rare. Possible causes of RCT failures are extra canals, root fractures, leaky fillings and perforations.

How much time does it take to perform a Root Canal?

It will vary from case to case. RCTs of molars (rear teeth) take more time than the front teeth because of difficult access. Usually, one procedure is completed in about 60-90 minutes.

Do I need antibiotics after or before a Root Canal Treatment?

Our expert dentists at Smile Symphony will decide the need for antibiotics based on the condition of the infection in your individual case.

Should I get a crown after root canal treatment?

While the RCT saves a tooth from extraction, the affected tooth can get brittle and liable to crack or break. A crown is normally recommended after an RCT procedure. But there are some instances where there is no need for Crowns; the dentists at Smile Symphony will give the best option for your case.

Do I need pain medications after a RCT?

Not always. But in some cases, you might need an over-the-counter pain medicine (like Tylenol, Advil or Motrin) for a few days after your root canal treatment. If stronger medication is needed, our dentists at Smile Symphony will prescribe them for you.

Does a root canal treatment hurt? Will I have pain during my RCT?

No. A Root Canal Treatment is performed under local anesthesia and patients should not feel any pain during the procedure. However, if the patient does indicates pain, the dentist at Smile Symphony can give more anesthesia.

Is there any alternative to a Root Canal Treatment?

The only alternate to a root canal treatment is an extraction. It is always better to avoid extraction if possible, because it can cause changes in bite, difficulty in eating, and bone loss. Nothing can replace our natural tooth completely.

Post-op instructions for Root Canal Treatment?

A RCT can make your tooth brittle, and more likely to crack or break under chewing stress. A crown will protect against this, and also seal the canal against penetration by any inner seepage. After the RCT, you are advised to avoid hard food before you get a crown on that tooth.

How can I avoid needing a Root Canal in the future?

Simply follow the following guidelines by Smile Symphony:

  • Brush and floss at least twice a day for at least two minutes.
  • Visit your dentist regularly for routine checks to catch decay at an early stage.
  • Wear custom mouth guard to prevent tooth injuries.
  • Make it a habit to eat healthy foods low in sugar and carbohydrate content.

Do Root Canal Treatments cause any illnesses?

There is no scientific evidence that RCTs can cause disease. The best source of information on RCTs are  websites like the American Association of Endodontics and the American Dental Association. The links are:

American Dental Association Link

American Association of Endodontics link

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about the author

Dr. Kenneth Bunn, DMD.

I value my relationship with each and every one of my patients and hope we develop lifelong bonds.
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